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A deep violet drink with slices of kiwi visible through the sides of the glass. A kiwi wheel sits atop the edge, seeming to arch out of the bubbly white foam that has formed on top.
A light blue tropical drink cartoon with a straw and a citrus wheel

Ah, the Muses. The goddesses of inspiration, song, dance, and I'm sure a number of other things. I learned from the passage in Nectar of the Gods that there are quite a number of them (with that exact number depending on your source of reference). Each Muse personifies a section of the arts (for instance: Clio to history, Urania to astronomy, Euterpe to music).

Song and theater have been a significant part of my life, and it felt right to try a cocktail in honor of the muses. For what influence they may have had on my life thus far, I am grateful!

The Song of the Muses drink feels sort of like a celebration. The process of making the drink itself sort of like a story. First, we set the stage. An ice cube centerpiece, adorned in each of the cardinal directions with a circle embossed with images of life (the seeds in the center of the kiwi wheels). Offstage, we see the performers mid-revelry, warming themselves up for the performance with frantic practicing or nervous jitters (the blackberries being muddled in the shaker tin).

An air of formality, the lawful, ordered bourbon fell over our performers, motioning them to take their places. A bit of syrup for smooth, calm, level heads and lemon juice to keep them sharp (just in case). The MC prepares for the debut (as we shake our ingredients/performers), and then finally, the presentation. A deluge of color washes over our set as the performance ensues. Then a kiwi wheel drops from the rafters, as we remember this is a cocktail Lol

Tastewise, blackberries, and bourbon are a delicious combo, and this is a very balanced way of enjoying it!

Song of the Muses

Song of the Muses

  • 6 large blackberries (muddled)
  • 1 1/2 oz (44 ml) Bourbon (Four Roses)
  • 1 oz (30 ml) Simple Syrup
  • 3/4 oz (22 ml) Lemon Juice

Method: Shake & Strain

Garnish: Kiwi Wheel

Credits: Nectar of the Gods, Albert & Engst

Notes: To prepare the kiwi walls, add one large ice cube to your glass first. Then add kiwi slices on each side of the ice cube, wedging them between the cube and the glass walls.

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